报告题目:Characterizing higher Auslander-Gorenstein Algebras
主讲人:Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz
摘要:For a positive integer n, it is shown that n-minimal Auslander-Gorenstein algebras can be characterized by the abelianness of the category of modules with Gorenstein projective dimension less than n and a certain additional property, extending the classical Auslander-Tachikawa theorem. By Iyama-Solberg correspondence a new characterization of the class of Artin algebras having n-cluster tilting modules is obtained. Higher Auslander(-Gorenstein) Algebras are also studied from the viewpoint of cotorsion pairs. Topological versions of the above extensions of Auslander-Tachikawa theorems are also presented by using Gabriel topologies.
简介:Doctor Mohammad is an Iranian Researcher in Representation Theory of Artin Algebras. He got his PhD from the University of Isfahan in 2017 under the guidance of Professor Javad Asadolahi. Currently, he is a Postdoctoral researcher at East China Normal University. He has published papers in J. Alg. Appl., Comm. Alg., J. Math. Soc. Japan and Sci. China Math.