报告题目:Spectral Deferred Correction Method for Landau-Brazovskii Model with Convex Splitting Technique
主 讲 人:张东航
摘要:The Landau–Brazovskii model is a well-known Landau model for finding the complex phase structures in microphase-separating systems ranging from block copolymers to liquid crystals. It is critical to design efficient numerical schemes for the Landau--Brazovskii model with energy dissipation and mass conservation properties.In this talk, we introduce a mass conservative and energy stable scheme by combining the spectral deferred correction (SDC) method with the convex splitting technique to solve the Landau-Brazovskii model efficiently. An adaptive correction strategy for the SDC method is implemented to reduce the cost time and preserve energy stability. Numerical experiments, including two- and three-dimensional periodic crystals in Landau–Brazovskii model, are presented to show the efficiency of the proposed numerical method.