1. H. Jia, J. Tao, D. Yang, W. Yuan and Y. Zhang, Special John–Nirenberg–Campanato spaces via congruent cubes, Sci. China. Math. 62 (2022), 359-420.
2. H. Jia, J. Tao, D. Yang, W. Yuan and Y. Zhang, Boundedness of Calderón–Zygmund operators on special John–Nirenberg–Campanato and Hardy-type spaces via congruent cubes, Anal. Math. Phys. 12 (2022), Paper No. 15, 56 pp.
3. Ho. Jia, J. Tao, D. Yang, W. Yuan and Y. Zhang, Boundedness of fractional integrals on special John–Nirenberg–Campanato and Hardy-type spaces via congruent cubes, Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal. 25 (2022), 2446-2487.
4. Y. Chen, H. Jia and D. Yang, Boundedness of Calderón–Zygmund operators on ball Campanato-type function spaces, Anal. Math. Phys. 12 (2022), Paper No. 118, 35 pp.
5. H. Jia, D. Yang, W. Yuan and Y. Zhang, Estimates for Littlewood–-Paley operators on ball Campanato-type function spaces, Results Math. 78 (2023), Paper No. 37, 56 pp.
6. Y. Chen, H. Jia and D. Yang, Boundedness of fractional integrals on ball Campanato-type function spaces, Bull. Sci. Math. 182 (2023), Paper No. 103210, 59 pp.
7. H. Jia, F. Weisz, D. Yang, W. Yuan and Y. Zhang, Atomic characterization of Musielak–Orlicz–Lorentz Hardy spaces and its applications to real interpolation and boundedness of Calderón–Zygmund operators, J. Geom. Anal. 33 (2023), Paper No. 188.
8. Y. Chen, H. Jia and D. Yang, Boundedness of fractional integrals on Hardy spaces associated with ball quasi-Banach function spaces, Tokyo J. Math. (2023), https://doi.org/10.3836/tjm/1502179390.