陈花萍 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
葛志昊 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
李凌霄 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
庞志峰 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
苏丽敏 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
肖运海 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
辛 欣 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
薛留根 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
杨利军 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
杨晓慧 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
杨翔宇 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
郑 晨 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
邹广安 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
主 任:韩小森
委 员:肖运海、杨晓慧
(1) 会议时间:12月3日(周六)全天
(2) 本次会议采取线上、线下同步进行
(3) 线下会场:WilliamHill中文官方网站数学中心会议室(八大街)
(4) 采取邀请报告形式,每人报告时间30分钟
主办: 英国威廉希尔公司
12月3日 (星期六) WilliamHill中文官方网站数学中心会议室 (八大街) 腾讯:384-343-634 |
时间 |
报告人 |
题目 |
主持 |
8:30--8:40 |
开幕式 |
肖运海 |
领导致辞 |
8:40--9:10 |
薛留根 |
Empirical Likelihood in Semiparametric Models |
解俊山 |
9:10--9:40 |
葛志昊 |
Multiphysics Finite Element Method for Thermo-Poroelasticity and PINNs |
9:40--10:10 |
陈花萍 |
A Conway-Maxwell-Poisson-binomial AR(1) model for bounded time series data |
10:10--10:20 |
茶 歇 |
10:20--10:50 |
邹广安 |
多物理场耦合模型的数值解法及应用 |
葛志昊 |
10:50--11:20 |
李凌霄(线) |
不可压缩MHD流动的增广Lagrangian块预处理方法 |
11:20--11:50 |
杨翔宇(线) |
Network Slimming via Nonconvex Optimization |
12:00 午餐(自助餐) |
14:00--14:30 |
杨晓慧 |
小样本环境下多模态数据建模及应用 |
肖运海 |
14:30--15:00 |
郑 晨 |
基于余弦边界损失函数的人脸识别 |
15:00--15:30 |
苏丽敏 |
我国建筑业高质量发展的经济效应统计测度—基于CGE模型的分析 |
15:30--15:40 |
茶 歇 |
15:40--16:10 |
杨利军 |
基于标签一致性的深层半监督非负矩阵分解模型及应用 |
郑 晨 |
16:10--16:40 |
辛 欣 |
Robust Fused Lasso Penalized Huber Regression |
16:40--17:10 |
肖运海 |
An Efficient Method for Joint Delay-Doppler Estimation of Moving Targets in Passive Radar |
17:10--17:40 |
庞志峰 |
Adaptive Weighted Curvature-Based Active Contour for Medical Image Segmentation |
18:00 晚餐 |
Empirical Likelihood in Semiparametric Models
In this talk, we discuss the empirical likelihood based inference problem in semiparametric models. Firstly, we investigate the empirical likelihood based inference for the parameters in a partially linear single-index model. we propose a bias correction method to achieve that the empirical likelihood ratio has standard chi-square limit. Secondly, we investigate the empirical likelihood-based inference for a varying coefficient model with longitudinal data. we propose three empirical likelihood ratios: the naive empirical likelihood ratio, the mean-corrected empirical likelihood ratio and the residual-adjusted empirical likelihood ratio, and show that these ratios have chi-square limits. In addition, when some components are of particular interest, we suggest the mean-corrected and residual-adjusted partial empirical likelihood ratios for the construction of the confidence regions/intervals. A simulation study is undertaken to compare the empirical likelihood and the normal approximation methods in terms of coverage accuracies and average areas/widths of confidence regions/intervals. An example in epidemiology is used for illustration.
Multiphysics Finite Element Method for Thermo-Poroelasticity and PINNs
In this talk, I will introduce the multiphysics finite element method for the quasi-static thermo-poroelasticity model, which can overcome two locking. And I will talk about the stability analysis of the above proposed method the optimal convergence order, and show some numerical examples to verify the theoretical results. Also, I will introduce the PINNs for poroelasticity model.
A Conway-Maxwell-Poisson-Binomial AR(1) Model for Bounded Time Series Data
Binomial autoregressive models are frequently used for modelling bounded time series counts, which is the number of the occurrence in n independent units. However, they are not well developed for more complex bounded time series counts of the occurrence of n exchangeable and dependent units, which are becoming increasingly common in practice. To fill this gap, this paper first constructs an exchangeable Conway-Maxwell-Poisson-binomial (CMPB) thinning operator and then establishes the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson-binomial AR (CMPBAR) model. Two key features of the proposed model are that it remains the autoregressive structure of the classic BAR(1) model, but also allows to analyze bounded data with under-dispersion, equi-dispersion and over-dispersion. We discuss the conditional maximum likelihood (CML) estimate of model’s parameters and establish the asymptotic normality of the CML estimator. In a simulation study, the boxplots illustrate that the CML estimator is consistence and the qqplots show that the CML estimator is asymptotic normality. In the real data example, our model takes the smaller AIC and BIC than its main competitors.
Network Slimming via Nonconvex Optimization
The huge size of deep neural networks makes it diffificult to deploy on the embedded platforms with limited computation resources directly. In this talk, we present a novel trimming approach to determine the redundant parameters of the trained deep neural network in a layer-wise manner to produce a compact neural network. This is achieved by minimizing a nonconvex sparsity-inducing term of the network parameters while maintaining the response close to the original one. We present a proximal iteratively reweighted method to resolve the resulting nonconvex model, which approximates the nonconvex objective by a weighted L1 norm of the network parameters. Moreover, to alleviate the computational burden, we develop a novel termination criterion during the subproblem solution, signifificantly reducing the total pruning time. Global convergence analysis and a worst-case O(1/k) ergodic convergence rate for our proposed algorithm is established. Numerical experiments demonstrate the proposed approach is effificient and reliable.
郑 晨
Robust Fused Lasso Penalized Huber Regression
For some special data in reality, such as the genetic data, adjacent genes may have the similar function. Thus ensuring the smoothness between adjacent genes is highly necessary. But, in this case, the standard lasso penalty just doesn’t seem appropriate anymore. On the other hand, in high-dimensional statistics, some datasets are easily contaminated by outliers or contain variables with heavy-tailed distributions, which makes many conventional methods inadequate. To address both issues, in this paper, we propose an adaptive Huber regression for robust estimation and inference, in which, the fused lasso penalty is used to encourage the sparsity of the coefficients as well as the sparsity of their differences, i.e., local constancy of the coefficient profile. Theoretically, we establish its nonasymptotic estimation error bounds under 2-norm in high-dimensional setting. The proposed estimation method is formulated as a convex, nonsmooth and separable optimization problem, hence, the alternating direction method of multipliers can be employed. In the end, we perform on simulation studies and real cancer data studies, which illustrate that the proposed estimation method is more robust and predictive.
An Efficient Method for Joint Delay-Doppler Estimation of Moving Targets in Passive Radar
Passive radar systems can detect and track the moving targets of interest by exploiting non-cooperative illuminators-of-opportunity to transmit orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals. These targets are searched by using a bank of correlators which are tuned to the waveform corresponding to the given Doppler frequency shift and delay. In this talk, we study the problem of joint delay-Doppler estimation of moving targets in OFDM passive radar. This task of estimation is described as an atomic-norm regularized convex optimization problem, and then to a semi-definite programming problem. We show that the directly-extended alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) computes each variable in a Gauss-Seidel manner, but its convergence is lack of certificate. To remedy this defect, we employ a symmetric Gauss-Seidel (sGS) into the framework of ADMM, which only needs to compute parts of the subproblems twice but has the ability to ensure the algorithm's convergence. We also do some numerical experiments using some synthetic data which illustrates that the sGS-ADMM is superior to ADMM in terms of the accuracy and computing time. This is a joint work with my coauthors Peili Li and Mengjiao Shi.
Adaptive Weighted Curvature-Based Active Contour for Medical Image Segmentation
Image segmentation is a complex and core technique for disease diagnosis or image-guided surgery in the medical image domain. However, low-quality images, such as images with weak edges and intensity inhomogeneities, may bring considerable challenges for radiologists. In this paper, we propose an adaptive weighted curvature-based active contour model by coupling heat kernel convolution and adaptively weighted high-order total variation for medical image segmentation to improve diagnosis effectiveness. To reduce the computational complexity, the heat kernel convolution operation is applied to approximate the perimeter of a segmentation curve. In addition, the weighted parameter included in the high-order total variation term can be automatically evaluated based on an adaptive input image to emphasize local structures and increase segmentation accuracy. Since the proposed method is a smoothing optimization model, the alternating direction method of multipliers is introduced to translate the original problems into several easily solvable subproblems. The numerical experimental results on ultrasonic and MRI datasets demonstrate that the proposed model is quite effificient and robust compared with several traditional segmentation methods. This work is joint with Mengxiao Geng (HENU), Dong Liang(SIAT-CAS) , Zhanli Hu(SIAT-CAS) and Yongming Dai(UIH), Tieyong Zeng(CUHK).