
中国 开封
邓引斌 (华中师范大学)
曹道民 (中科院数学与系统科学研究院)
韩小森 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
彭双阶 (华中师范大学)
严树森 (华中师范大学)
周焕松 (武汉理工大学)
主席:韩小森 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
刘忠原 (WilliamHill中文官方网站) 叶嵎林 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
刘忠原: WilliamHill中文官方网站 电话:15737817030
8: 00–8: 30 |
开幕式 |
8:30-9:50 |
主持人: 邓引斌(华中师范大学) |
8: 30–9: 10 |
报告人:郭玉劲 (华中师范大学) |
报告题目: Local Uniqueness of Attractive Bose Gases under Rotation |
9: 10–9: 50 |
报告人:戴蔚 (北京航空航天大学)
报告题目: Classification of nonnegative solutions to elliptic equations involving fractional or higher order Laplacians |
9: 50—10: 20 茶 歇 |
10: 20–11: 40 |
主持人: 彭双阶(华中师范大学) |
10: 20–11: 00 |
报告人:王国栋 (哈尔滨工业大学) |
报告题目: An extension of Arnold’s second stability theorem
11: 00–11: 40 |
报告人:詹伟城 (厦门大学) |
报告题目: On global solutions for the gSQG equation |
午 餐 |
14: 30–15: 50 |
主持人: 周焕松(武汉理工大学) |
14: 30–15: 10 |
报告人: 郭青 (中央民族大学) |
报告题目:Infinitely many positive multi-bubbling solutions to critical Lane-Emden systems |
15: 10–15: 50 |
报告人:万捷 (北京理工大学) |
报告题目:Vortex desingularization problem of incompressible Euler equations |
15:50—16: 20 茶 歇 |
16: 20–18: 00 |
自由交流、讨论 |
晚餐 |
➢7月21日(周四上午) |
8: 30–9: 50 |
主持人: 韩丕功 (中科院数学与系统科学研究院)
8: 30–9: 10 |
报告人:唐仲伟 (北京师范大学) |
报告题目:Compactness of solutions to higher order elliptic equations |
9: 10–9: 50 |
报告人:罗鹏 (华中师范大学) |
报告题目:The critical points of Robin function and Kirchhoff-Routh function |
9:50—10:20 茶 歇 |
10: 20–11: 40 |
主持人:郭宗明(河南师范大学) |
10: 20–11: 00 |
报告人:钟新 (西南大学) |
报告题目:Entropy-bounded solutions to the Cauchy problem of compressible heat-conducting magnetohydrodynamic equations with far field vacuum
11: 00–11: 40 |
报告人:叶嵎林 (WilliamHill中文官方网站) |
报告题目:Energy equality in the isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations allowing vacuum |
午 餐 |
Classification of nonnegative solutions to elliptic equations involving fractional or higher order Laplacians
戴蔚 (北京航空航天大学)
In this report, we will talk about some recent progresses in classification results, Liouville type theorems and other basic properties of nonnegative solutions to elliptic equations involving fractional or higher order Laplacians, including arbitrary order conformally invariant equations, Hardy-Lane-Emden-Henon type equations and Schrodinger-Hartree-Maxwell type equations. This talk is based on joint works with Prof. D. Cao, T. Duyckaerts, Y. Fang, Z. Liu and G. Qin.
Infinitely many positive multi-bubbling solutions to critical Lane-Emden systems
We talk about the following critical elliptic systems of Hamiltonian type, which are variants of the critical Lane-Emden systems and analogous in form to the prescribed curvature problem:

are positive radial potentials.
Under suitable conditions on the potentials and the certain range of the exponents p and q, we construct an unbounded sequence of non-radial positive vector solutions, whose energy can be made arbitrarily large. Moreover, we prove a type of non-degeneracy result by use of various Pohozaev identities, which is of great interest independently. The indefinite linear operator and strongly coupled nonlinearities make the Hamiltonian-type systems in stark contrast both to the systems of Gradient type and to the single prescribed curvature problems. This is a joint work with J. Liu and S. Peng.
Local Uniqueness of Attractive Bose Gases under Rotation
郭玉劲 (华中师范大学)
In this talk, we focus on ground states of attractive Bose gases in a rotational trap. The local uniqueness of ground states is discussed under different assumptions on the trapping potential V(x).
The critical points of Robin function and Kirchhoff-Routh function
罗鹏 (华中师范大学)
The properties of Robin function and Kirchhoff-Routh function play a very basic role in the study of elliptic equation, fluid mechanics, dynamic system, geometry and topology, etc. However, the property of the critical point is still unclear for large class of domains. In this talk, we give some results on thenumber of non-degeneracy of critical pints of Robin function and Kirchhoff-Routh function. These are joint work with Francesca Gladiali, Massimo Grossi, Shusen Yan.
Compactness of solutions to higher order elliptic equations
唐仲伟 (北京师范大学)
In this talk, I will present some our recent work about the compactness of high order elliptic equations. We use blow up analysis for local integral equations to prove compactness of solutions to higher order critical elliptic equations provided the potentials only have non-degenerate zeros. Secondly, corresponding to Schoen's Weyl tensor vanishing conjecture for the Yamabe equation on manifolds, we establish a Laplacian vanishing rate of the potentials at blow up points of solutions. This is a jiont work with Miaomiao Niu and Ning Zhou.
Vortex desingularization problem of incompressible Euler equations
In this talk, I will introduce some recent results about the vortex desingularization problem of 3D incompressible Euler equations. For 3D axisymmetric Euler equations, we consider asymptotic behavior of vortex rings. We also discuss some results of desingularization for 3D Euler equations with helical symmetry.
An extension of Arnold’s second stability theorem
王国栋 (哈尔滨工业大学)
I will discuss a recent result on the nonlinear stability of 2D incompressible Euler flows, stating that any semistable solution to some semilinear elliptic problem with increasing nonlinearity corresponds to a stable Euler flow. The proof is based on the EC functional method by Arnold, the supporting functional method by Wolansky and Ghil, and a stability criterion by Burton.
Energy equality in the isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations allowing vacuum
叶嵎林 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)
It is well-known that a Leray-Hopf weak solution in L4(0, T; L4(T3)) for the
incompressible Navier-Stokes system is persistence of energy due to Lions. In this talk, we will show that the Lions's condition for energy balance is also valid for the weak solutions of the isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations allowing vacuum under suitable integrability conditions on the density and its derivative. This further allows us to establish various sufficient conditions implying energy equality for the compressible flow as well as the non-homogenous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, which is an improvement of corresponding results obtained
by Yu in [Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 225 (2017)]and answers a question posed by
Liang in [Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A (2020)]. This is a joint work with
Yanqing Wang and Wei Wei.
On global solutions for the gSQG equation
詹伟城 (厦门大学)
In this talk, I will introduce some results of the existence and stability of global solutions for the generalized surface quasi-geostrophic equation. This is based on a joint work with Daomin Cao, Guolin Qin and Changjun Zou.
Entropy-bounded solutions to the Cauchy problem of compressible heat-conducting magnetohydrodynamic equations with far field vacuum
钟新 (西南大学)
In this talk, we will investigate the Cauchy problem to compressible heat-conducting magnetohydrodynamic equations with vacuum at infinity only. We show that the uniform boundedness of the entropy and the
regularities of the velocity and temperature can be propagated provided that the initial density decays suitably slow at infinity. The main tools are based on singularly weighted energy estimates and De Giorgi type iteration techniques developed by Li and Xin (Adv. Math., 361 2020; Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 2022; for the full compressible Navier-Stokes system. Some new mathematical techniques and useful estimates are developed to deduce the lower and upper bounds on the entropy. This is a joint work with Jinkai Li, Mingjie Li, and Yang Liu.
公司建有河南省应用数学中心、WilliamHill中文官方网站数学研究中心、河南省人工智能理论及算法工程研究中心、数学建模实验室、金融统计实验室和数据分析技术实验室等六个教学科研平台,拥有现代数学研究所、应用数学研究所、教学方法研究室、非线性科学研究室等四个科研机构,办有全英文专业学术刊物《数学季刊》。学院注重发挥学科带头人的引领作用,积极参与国内外学术交流,不断凝练学科研究方向,持续加强学术团队建设,在代数与数论、偏微分方程与数学物理、复分析与复几何、概率论与数理统计、科学计算、数据分析与智能处理等方向形成了比较优势和特色,取得了一批优秀科研成果。据统计,2016年—2020年,学院教师发表论文400余篇,多项成果在Advances in Mathematics,Communications in Mathematical Physics,Journal of Functional Analysis,Proceedings of the Royal Society A,Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré Analyse non linéaire等国际著名学术刊物上发表;获批国家自然科学基金项目38项,出版学术专著7部,荣获科研奖励100项。