报 告 题 目:On the Lp Bergman theory
主 讲 人:张 利 友
单 位:首都师范大学
时 间:6月8日15:00
地 点:公司一楼报告厅
腾 讯 ID:251-419-143
密 码:2484
摘 要:
In the present talk, we’d like to introduce a general Lp Bergman theory on bounded domains in Cn. To indicate the basic difference between Lp and L2 cases, we show that the p-Bergman kernel Kp(z) is not real-analytic on some bounded complete Reinhardt domains when p > 4 is an even number. By the Calculus of Variations, we get a fundamental reproducing formula. This together with certain techniques from nonlinear analysis of the p-Laplacian yields a number of results, for instance, the off-diagonal Lp Bergman kernel Kp(z,∙) is Holder continuous of order 12 for p>1 and of order {2(n+2)} for p=1. We also show that the Lp Bergman metric Bp(z;X) tends to the Carath\'eodory metric C(z;X) as p and the generalized Levi for i∂{ ̅∂logKp(z;X) is no less than Bp(z;X)2 for P≥2 and C(z;X)2 for P≤2. If time permits, we will also talk about the stability of Kp(z,w) or Bp(z;X) as p varies and the boundary behavior of Kp(z). The talk is based on a joint work with Bo-Yong Chen.
简 介:
张利友,首都师范大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师。2007年博士毕业于首都师范大学,导师殷慰萍教授。2007-2009年中科院数学所博士后,合作导师陆启铿院士。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(2项),青年基金(1项),北京市自然科学基金面上项目(1项)。获得首届北京市优秀博士学位论文、中科院王宽诚博士后人才工作奖励。与人合作相关研究成果发表在Adv. Math., JFA, Trans. AMS等国际期刊上。