报告题目:Scattering between Wobbling Kinks
主 讲 人:Alberto Alonso Izquierdo
单 位:西班牙萨拉曼卡大学
时 间:11月24日18:00
ZOOM ID:210 089 8623
密 码:123456
摘 要:

简 介:
Prof. Alberto Alonso Izquierdo obtained his PhD from SalamancaUniversity, Spain, in 2001, has been a postdoc at the University ofCambridge, UK a professor at Salamanca University, Spain. Alberto'sresearch is focused on solitons and in particular domain walls. He haspublished more than 35 papers in Journal of High Energy Physics,Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D, Physics Letters B, Journalof Physics B, Nonlinearity, Journal of Physics A, Nuovo Cimento, Annalsof Physics, European Physics Journal C, Nuclear Physics B,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, PhysicaScripta, Physica D, Symmetry, and SIGMA with over 700 citations in total.