报告题目:Cotorsion Pairs, Silting Subcategories and Silting Reduction on Extriangulated Categories
主 讲 人:刘裕
单 位:西南交通大学
时 间:10月15日9:00
地 点:公司一楼报告厅
摘 要:
In this talk, we first introduce the concept extriangulated category. Then we talk about the cotorsion pairs on extriangulated categories. Recently, silting subcategory was generalized to extriangulated categories. We introduce the related improvement in this area, especially the silting reduction on extriangulated categories.
简 介:
刘裕,副教授,2015年获得日本名古屋大学理学博士学位,2015-2017年瑞典乌普萨拉大学数学系做博士后。研究方向为代数表示论,范畴论。曾在J. of Algebra,J. P. A. Algebra,Glasgow Math. J.,Proc. Roy. Soc. of Edinb.等杂志发表论文数十篇。