腾 讯 ID:156557374
时间 |
主持人 |
报告人 |
题目 |
8 月 23 日 |
上午 |
8:00-8:10 |
冯淑霞 |
开幕式 |
8:10-9:00 |
刘太顺 |
曹廷彬 |
Value distribution of difference operators in several complex variables and complex delay PDE |
9:00-9:50 |
谢松晏 |
On Ahlfors currents |
休息 |
10:10-11:00 |
王安 |
于光升 |
A second main theorem of Nevanlinna theory for moving targets |
11:00-11:50 |
张硕 |
A study of the properties of the Bergman projections on generalized Hartogs triangles |
下午 |
14:30-15:20 |
吴可 |
邵国宽 |
Equidistribution theorems on strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds |
15:20-16:10 |
李小山 |
S1-equivariant Index theorems and Morse inequalities on complex manifolds with boundary |
休息 |
16:30-17:20 |
周泽华 |
李军 |
Early history of pluripotential theory |
17:20-18:10 |
宁家福 |
The extension of quasi-plurisubharmonic functions on compact Kähler manifolds |
8 月 24 日 |
上午 |
8:00-8:50 |
邱春晖 |
苏桂聪 |
Kobayashi isometry on the symmetrized bidisc |
8:50-9:40 |
谭举 |
Left-invariant conformal vector fields on non-solvable Lie groups |
休息 |
10:00-10:50 |
涂振汉 |
何玲 |
Minimal surfaces in Quaternionic projective spaces |
10:50-11:40 |
毕恩超 |
The Kobayashi pseudometric for some Hartogs domains |
下午 |
14:30-15:20 |
乔玉英 |
李鸿军 |
Holomorphic Automorphism Groups of (m,1)-Circular Domains |
15:20-16:10 |
吕小芬 |
Doubling Fock spaces and related operators |
休息 |
16:30-17:20 |
刘浩 |
唐言言 |
Special Toeplitz operators on a class of bounded Hartogs domains |
17:20-18:10 |
吴菊杰 |
A counter example for the uniform Mergelyan approximation in C2 |
摘 要:
Value distribution of difference operators inseveral complex variables
and complex delay PDE
In this talk, I mainly introduce the recent development of the value distribution theory for difference operators inseveral complex variables, and its applications into complex delay partial differential equations.
On Ahlfors currents
We answer a basic question in Nevanlinna theory that Ahlfors currents associated to thesame entire curve may be nonunique. Indeed,we will construct one exotic entire curve whichproduces infinitely many cohomologically different Ahlfors currents. Moreover, concerningSiu's decomposition, for an arbitrary positiveinteger k or k=infinity, some of the obtained Ahlfors currents have singular parts supported onk irreducible curves. In addition, they can havenonzero diffuse parts as well, which answers aquestion of Brunella.This is joint work with DinhTuan Huynh (arxiv.org/abs/2101.11973,JMPA2021).
A second main theorem of Nevanlinna theory for moving targets
We will give a second main theorem for nonconstant holomorphic curves with moving targets, which removes the algebracially nondegenerate assumption in previous results. This result can be regarded as a generalization of Cartan's conjecture for moving hypersurfaces. We will also consider the corresponding Schmidt subspace theorem result in Diophantine approximation.
A study of the properties of the Bergman projections on generalized Hartogs triangles
In this talk, we study the boundedness for the Bergman projections of some generalized Hartogs triangles on L^p and L^p Sobolev spaces. We also obtain the L^p-norm estimates for the Bergman projections on some generalized Hartogs triangles.
Equidistribution theorems on strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds
The study of equidistribution of zeros of holomorphic sections has become intensively active in recent years. In this talk, we discuss equidistribution theorems on zeros of CR functions on a strongly pseudoconvex CR manifoldXwith an S1-action. One of the main ingredients in the proof is a uniform estimate of the Szego kernel onX. This is a joint work with Chin-Yu Hsiao.
S1-equivariant Index theorems and Morse inequalities on
complex manifolds with boundary

Early history of pluripotential theory
In this talk I will review early works on pluripotential theory and its applications. Based on published papers before 1990, I will recall some important problems in pluripotential theory. The main focus will be the background, the motivation and main ideas around theses problems.
The extension of quasi-plurisubharmonic functions on compact Kähler manifolds
In this talk, I will report some recent results about the extension of (quasi-)plurisubharmonic functions on (compact Kähler) manifolds. I’ll also introduce the extension when the submanifold has holomorphic retraction structure, which is the case of a joint work with Prof. Zhiwei Wang and Prof. Xiangyu Zhou.
Kobayashi isometry on the symmetrized bidisc
Kobayashi isometry is the question of considering the complex structure of the Kobayashi hyperbolic manifold M determined by the Kobayashi metric kM. In this talk, we will introduce some basic conclusion and proof of Kobayashi isometry in the strictly convex domain. And then we will give a similar result on the symmetrized bidisc.
Left-invariant conformal vector fields on non-solvable Lie groups
谭举 (安徽工业大学)

Minimal surfaces in Quaternionic projective spaces

The Kobayashi pseudometric for some Hartogs domains
The study of Kobayashi pseudometric is one of the classical topic in complex analysis and complex geometry. In general, it is difficult to obtain the explicit expression of the Kobayashi pseudometric. In this talk, we will give the specific forms of geodesics for some Hartogs domain in the sense ofKobayashi pseudometric. Then by using the formula of geodesics, we determine the Kobayashi pseudometric for the F-B-H type domains.
Holomorphic Automorphism Groups of (m,1)-Circular Domains
李鸿军 (WilliamHill中文官方网站)

Doubling Fock spaces and related operators
In this talk, we will discuss the Carleson measures for doubling Fock spaces and obtain the characterizations on Toeplitz and Hankel operators based on the pointwise estimates for Bergman kernel. We also get the estimates on Bergman kernel for Bergman spaces with exponential weights.
Special Toeplitz operators on a class of bounded Hartogs domains
We introduce a wide class of bounded Hartogs domains in Cn, which contains some generalizations of the classical Hartogs triangle. A sharp criterion for the Lp-Lq boundedness of the Toeplitz operator with the symbol K-t is obtained on these domains, where K is the Bergman kernel on the diagonal and t≥0. It generalizes the results by Beberok and Chen in the case 1<p<+∞. This is a joint work with Tu Zhenhan.
A counter example for the uniform Mergelyan approximation in C2