报告题目:Quasiperiodic Systems:Algorithms,Analysis and Applications
主 讲 人:蒋凯
单 位:湘潭大学
时 间:7月22日9:00
地 点:公司南研教室
摘 要:
Quasiperiodic systems, related to irrational numbers, are a class ofimportant and widely existing systems, includingsuch asquasicrystals, incommensuratesystems, defects, interfacial problems. Due to the irrational numbers, thequasiperiodic system is a space-filling structure without decay, which results indifficulty in numerical computation. A traditional method is using a periodic systemto approximate the quasiperiodic system. It produces a Diophantine approximationerrorand related error.In this talk, we will establish the error analysis of the periodic approximation method. Furthermore, we will propose an efficient method, i.e., the projection method,to avoid the Diophantine approximationand obtain high accurate quasiperiodic solutions. We also apply the novelmethod tosome applications, includingsuch assoft quasicrystals,quasiperiodic quantumsystems, and quasiperiodic interfaces.
简 介: