
美国罗格斯大学,李海生 教授
题目:Introduction to Lie algebras and vertex algebras
摘要:This is a series of expository lectures on Lie algebras and vertex algebras and the main purpose is to give an overview on some basic algebraic systems for advanced undergraduate students and beginning graduate students. We shall begin with a quick review on the fundamental algebraic systems Group, Ring and Field, in undergraduate modern algebra, and with a brief discussion on the basic categories of vector spaces and associative algebras in linear algebra. Then we continue to introduce the basic concepts and discuss the basic problems in the theory of Lie algebras. Finally, we introduce our main topics vertex algebras, with a special focus on the differences and similarities between vertex algebras and classical (associative or Lie) algebras. We shall especially discuss the essential tool Formal Calculus, with some details. Some knowledge on undergraduate modern algebra and linear algebra will be sufficient though some knowledge on associative algebras/Lie algebras would be better.
WilliamHill中文官方网站,关庄丹 教授
北京科技大学,马力 教授
参考文献:D.Gilbarg, N.S.Trudinger, 二阶椭圆型偏微分方程, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001.
美国迈阿密大学,苗蓬子 教授
西安交通大学,梅立泉 教授
摘要:将介绍天体物理、等离子体物理、空间科学中的数学问题及其数值求解方法。空间科学由于其前沿性、带动性、拓展性和发展的紧迫性对我国实施创新驱动发展战略具有十分重大的意义。空间科学涉及宇宙学研究的很多领域,如天体物理学和空间物理学等,涉及如空间引力波探测、小天体探测、系外行星探测、黑洞及其周边物理现象探测等诸多先导性问题。宇宙中超过99%的重子物质由等离子体组成, 包括作为天体物理(含太阳物理)和空间物理主要研究对象的各种尺度下的天体, 如恒星、星际介质、星系、星系团等等,等离子体物理在空间科学研究中具有重要的地位。本课程主要讨论天体物理、等离子体物理、空间科学中的数学问题;学习空间科学中的非线性偏微分方程的数值解法及数据分析方法;进一步研究天体物理、等离子体物理、空间科学中数学模型求解的数值格式、格式的数值分析,以及对其中的色散、非线性波动、黑洞吸积及活动星系核反馈等的数值模拟。
美国堪萨斯州立大学,林宗柱 教授
题目:Introduction to algebraic, topological, and geometric invariants--A theme in representation theory
摘要:In various fields of pure mathematics, one of the main goals is to look for a certain computable information called invariants that can distinguish objects of interest in a certain sense. The ideal invariant of an object would an element in a certain ring (where one can add, subtract and multiply) such that two objects are isomorphic if and only their invariants in the ring are equal. Students in grade school have already learned the important invariants (the cardinalities) in the category of finite sets. In this talk, I will introduce to undergraduate students, who are planning for their graduate studies in mathematics, various mathematical theories such as character theory of representations, (co)homology theory of topological spaces, and K-theories, as well as many other new theories such as Gromov-Witten in algebraic geometry as examples for constructing invariants particularly from representation theory. The goal is to help the audience to find their interests in certain topics in mathematics so they can pursue during their graduate studies.
美国纽约大学,杨亦松 教授
摘要:德国数学家O-H Keller在1939年提出了猜想:如果多项式映射的雅可比为非零常数,则映射可逆且为多项式映射。这个猜想就是著名的雅可比猜想。美国数学家 S Smale 在1998年把它列为“下个世纪数学问题”中的第十六个问题。这里,我们谈谈关于这个猜想的一些故事和现况。
中山大学,周天寿 教授
WilliamHill中文官方网站,薛留根 教授